Build space, check

BAT is pleased to announce it has a build-space for “Noises Off!” Once BAT gets the owners “real” name there will be more thanks, but right now, BAT could not be happier. search“Noises Off,” February 21 though March 23, requires two story set which could not be built in BAT usual build space. BAT’s planned build space was repurposed, so clearing this hurdle is a grand step toward opening the show.

Now, its on to finding a performance venue, following the fire at BAT’s theater space!

If you have not already written the Burien City Council, BAT’s landlord, politely asking the City of Burien to rebuild BAT’s theater space, please do so now.

Last week there were 92 emails in support of rebuilding in the Burien City Council’s meeting packet!  Remember, only your show of support will keep BAT alive!

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One Response to Build space, check

  1. Oarboar says:

    Make that at least 93 now. I finally sent mine off just a minute or two ago. I’m hoping I can make it for Noises Off, but I’m here in Bellingham, and the next three months will be insanely busy for me. I have to say Coney Island Christmas was a treat, though.

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