Please help BAT build a 200 to 300-seat performing and visual arts space.


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BAT is working to build a 200/300-seat performing and visual arts center in South King County, including smaller performing spaces and rehearsal rooms. The building will include a 1000-square-foot art gallery. Here are some of the community benefits:

Cultural Enrichment: A performing arts venue will offer residents opportunities to experience a wide range of cultural performances, including plays, musicals, concerts, dance recitals, and more. This exposure enriches the community's cultural fabric and promotes diversity and inclusion.

Art galleries provide a space for the community to engage with various art forms, including paintings, sculptures, photography, and multimedia installations. Exposure to art broadens perspectives, stimulates creativity, and fosters appreciation for cultural diversity.

Support for Local Artists: Theaters and galleries often feature works by local artists, allowing them to showcase their talent and gain recognition within the community. This support encourages artistic expression and contributes to the growth of the local arts scene.

Arts Education: Such a venue will be a hub for arts education programs, workshops, and classes. It provides a space for aspiring artists of all ages to learn and develop their skills in various artistic disciplines. Such a venue will provide educational resources for people of all ages, including students, educators, and lifelong learners. Through workshops and educational programs, they offer opportunities for art appreciation, art history education, and hands-on artistic expression

Cultural Events and Programming: Theater spaces and art galleries host exhibitions, artist talks, workshops, and other cultural events. These activities bring people together, encourage dialogue, and promote lifelong learning. They also serve as opportunities for networking and collaboration among artists and art enthusiasts.

Economic Impact: Performing arts venues and galleries attract visitors from within and outside the community, increasing foot traffic and spending in local businesses such as restaurants, hotels, and shops. These arts tourists will stimulate economic growth and contribute to the area's vitality. As of 2023, the average art tourist spent $37.50 in the community where the venue is located, excluding what is spent at the venue.

Reduction in Crime: Performing arts venues are shown to reduce crime throughout the area by as much as 18%, with a much more significant reduction closer to the venue.

Job Creation: Operating a performing arts venue and a gallery requires staff members such as performers, technicians, administrators, ushers, and maintenance personnel. Building and operating a venue creates job opportunities for residents, thus boosting employment rates.

Community Gathering Space: The venue serves as a gathering space for community events, meetings, and celebrations. It provides a central location for residents to come together, fostering a sense of community cohesion and social interaction.

Community Engagement: Art galleries can serve as hubs for community engagement, providing spaces for people to gather, interact, and exchange ideas. They facilitate partnerships with schools, community organizations, and local government agencies to promote arts education, cultural awareness, and civic engagement.

Quality of Life: Access to cultural and artistic experiences enhances residents' overall quality of life. It provides leisure, entertainment, and personal enrichment opportunities, contributing to overall well-being and happiness.

Tourism and Cultural Exchange: A well-equipped performing arts venue hosts regional and national touring productions, guest performers, and cultural exchange programs. These big-name acts expose local audiences to diverse performances and put the community on the map as a cultural destination. This attracts tourists and visitors from afar and enhances the need for one or more hotels.

Youth Engagement and Development: Such a venue will offer youth programs, providing opportunities for young people to engage with the arts, develop their talents, and gain confidence and skills to benefit them in various aspects of their lives.

Preservation of Heritage: Performing arts venues help preserve and celebrate a community's cultural heritage through performances, exhibitions, and events that showcase traditional art forms and storytelling. Galleries feature works that reflect the community's cultural heritage and identity. Galleries celebrate local history, traditions, and narratives by preserving and showcasing these artworks.

Promotion of Creativity and Innovation: Exposure to art stimulates creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. By providing a space for artists to experiment and innovate, performing spaces and galleries contribute to the community's cultural vitality and creative economy.

Building a 200/300-seat performing arts venue with a 1000-square-foot gallery will have far-reaching benefits for the community now and for generations to come. It will enrich the community's cultural life, stimulate economic growth, and enhance its residents' overall well-being.

Do you want to help BAT build a 200 to 300-seat performing and visual arts space? PLEASE DONATE HERE!

To volunteer to help make this venue a reality, EMAIL US at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To be added to our newsletter about the venue, EMAIL US at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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